Loving God, Serving Others, Growing Together

Methodist Church

You belong to Christ.
You belong here.
We need each other. We need to belong where we are loved and connected.

Methodist Church
As a member of our congregation, you are encouraged to join us for fellowship and to participate, as you are able, in any of the occasions where our church family gathers, outside of our Sunday services. These are additional opportunities to socialise, engage in Circuit activities and to deepen our understanding of the scriptures together. Activities include:

Fellowship Circle
2nd Monday of the month 2-4pm

Bible Study
4th Monday of the month 2-4pm

Circuit Seasonal Study
Our Circuit offers seasonal study opportunities. Please check our latest Messenger for more details.

Special Events
We host a variety of special events for our church family throughout the year. You can find details of upcoming events in our latest Messenger.

Methodist Church
Our church is popular venue used by a wide range of community groups. The following lists a few of the regular activities that take place on our premises. Please contact the organisers for further details.

Guides & Rangers
Monday 7-8.30pm

Rainbows & Brownies
Rainbows 5.15-6.15pm
Brownies 6-7.30pm

Bollywood Dance
Friday 8-9.30pm

Ilford Trefoil Guild (Guiding for adults)